Curriculum Review

Educational Review

Cornerstone International School

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

March 20, 2012

Barbara A. Campbell

Master of Arts

North Carolina, USA

CIS school


Cornerstone International School utilizes the Creative Curriculum series, which emphasizes developmentally appropriate activities, and learning goals presented in sequence across multiple curriculum areas including math, reading, social studies, and science.

A Grade Two class was observed completing maps of the African continent with country names and people groups identified. The children were working independently at their own pace with teacher support provided.

A preschool class was observed during a math activity where number groups were identified and colored.  These children worked in small groups with the teacher and then completed the tasks independently.

The large group room walls were filled with educational posters allowing children to identify information already learned, or express curiosity of what attracted their attention.

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The school has a central learning center including the reading area, tutoring area, eating area, play area, and education Material Storage area. It is well-divided utilizing shelf units, teacher desks, computer desks, and conversation area for guests. Surrounding this room are six classrooms assigned to the grade levels: Age two, Age three, Pre-K, Grade One, Grade Two, and room for older English learners.  There is a separate teacher resource room used also as a conference room.

The organization allows for flexible use of space to serve multiple needs throughout the day.

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The staff is organized with a lead administrator/teacher, assigned teacher per grade level, assistant teacher per level, and support staff. In addition, volunteers are utilized to expand learning opportunities.

Each day’s schedule was executed without hesitation or need to consult one another. Each staff member knew not only their own next assignment, but also the assignment of all the children, even those not in their group.  This allowed for a continuous flow assisting one another into appropriate lines, directing to the next activity, removing educational supplies not needed for the next hour, and transitioning quickly to the next scheduled activity.

The teachers attended to the children with care.  When I entered each classroom unannounced, the teacher was engaged in a learning task with a child, or children depending on the lesson plan at the time.  It was apparent that they desire the best for each student and work hard to provide a safe learning environment.

Support staff worked efficiently behind the scene quickly cleaning the rooms emptied of children, straightening and cleaning toys while all were in classrooms, and setting up the eating area for snack and for lunch.

The gatekeeper and van driver were also observed.  Each knew all children by name and helped them enter the school, and helped them make sure they had their school bags as they left the school.

Educational Observation Summary

Cornerstone International School is a creative learning environment where children are taught appropriately to their age, learning level, and any need to understand with alternative learning input.

The teachers and staff were engaged well in the teaching of the children and supporting them to grow in wisdom and in kindness to one another.

The Kindergarten children are reading.  The Grade Two children are learning social studies and science with understanding.  All levels are developing an understanding of math concepts.  English skill is evident as the children learn and use them in the Cornerstone School setting.

This school utilizes a very good educational approach for children, with the results evident increasingly at each grade level. 

The Administrator is excellent in her staff training, approach to curriculum, and understanding of children.